The Boarding Routine
Our boarders follow regular routines whilst on campus and we recognise that they can sometimes take a bit of time to understand and become habitual. The routines are designed to ensure that our students make the most of their time at their Gallus Academy campus and that there is a healthy, balanced lifestyle for all our boarders.
07:00 Matrons arrive and begin checking if students are awake. 07:30 Morning registration before going to breakfast.
08:10 Tutor time in the main school.
Students return to their dorms after their afternoon lessons and can get changed before their CCA if needed. Students must leave the Boarding Home in good time if they are to be at their afernoon activities on time. Students return to their dorms after CCAs where they are welcomed by the staff member on duty. All students should make sure that they attend supper in the dining hall between 17:45 and 18:45. The duty members of staff attend supper together with their boarding students and an informal register is taken during this time to monitor attendance and ensure healthy eating habits.
Students are expected to be within their dorms after dinner. The staff accompanying them to dinner will ensure that the children are ready and settled for prep at 18:30 and work until 20:30 with an appropriate break in between. They will then prepare for the next day before going to their rooms at 21:00 and then lights out will be at 21:30.
The weekends are a busy and vibrant time for the boarders and parents must be aware that this is an extremely important part of the Boarding Home routine. Saturday mornings are oen filled with Bryant activities and the boarders join with the day students for this. However, whilst the day students leave school aer 12:00, the boarders are only just getting started with their weekend routine. Each Boarding Home designs their weekend routine in conjunction with their Boarder Committees and they must fulfil certain minimum requirements each weekend: academic activity or time to work independently; time to read and relax together; time for a sporting activity or exercise; and, an activity designed to bring the boarders more integrated and closer together.
The Boarding Homes make great use of the excellent facilities on offer around the school and they oen take the boarding students on trips outside the school and GEC. It is important to note that all these trips are risk-assessed and appropriately supervised by our boarding staff. If there is a weekend without a Bryant then the Boarding Homes have introduced a number of new events that are now in the calendar for the next academic year. There are Boarders-Only events, like Boardersʼ Bryants, special brunches or BBQs, and Scheduled Exeats sporadically interspersed throughout the year so that we get the most out of the students under our care.
7.5 The Medical Centre
At NLCS Jeju we have 24-hour medical care available through our Medical Centre which is staffed with professional, qualified, and experienced nurses. If your son or daughter takes regular medication, this must be taken to the Medical Centre at the beginning of term as soon as you arrive - medicines are not to be kept in student rooms.
All boarders have access to the Medical Centre during clinic hours which are displayed on the Boarding Home notice boards. If a boarder feels unwell then they should see a member of the boarding staff or the member of staff who is teaching them in the first instance. They will issue a medical slip which will allow the student to go to the nursing staff, who will assess and then treat appropriately. The Medical Centre will contact you directly if your son or daughter requires emergency medical attention, or if there is a question regarding their
regular medication or prescription. If a student is likely to be unwell for a long time, boarding staff may arrange for them to go home; however, between the Medical Centre staff and the Boarding Home staff, we are capable of dealing with most medical situations.
If a boarder requires medical attention outside of clinic hours, in the nighttime, for example, it is really important that they do not take themselves to the Medical Centre alone and without telling the duty member of staff. There is always a designated staff member on duty which can be contacted, even during the night, in case of emergencies and they must be informed that there is a problem so that they can assist. Boarders can ask their roommate or a friend to get the duty member of staff if they are unable to get out of bed.
It is our school policy to promote a safe and supportive environ- ment for all students. Our pastoral care processes are carefully designed and reviewed regularly to provide support and care for all students. Support staff and selected academic staff have regular first aid training. We have a designated Clinic in the school which can be accessed by students as needed for first aid treatment.
Medical information on all students is required annually from parents/guardians in order that the school appro- priately caters for students during normal school activities. Additional information will be sought for participation in excursions and trips. New health problems, any changes to condition, medication or special requirements must be given to the school immediately.
Procedures are based both on the Zimbabwe Ministry of Health guidelines for health provision within schools. The School Clinic is staffed by first aid qualified nurses.
As a school we promote good health to our students and have very clear guide- lines on when a child should not come to school due to illness. We know that young children are often in close proximity to each other so please be reassured that we are very conscientious of our students’ health and do all we can to reduce the risk of illnesses spreading.
Clinic opening hours: 08.00am to 17.00pm Monday to Friday
As a school we exclude all students who have a temperature above 37.1 degrees Celsius and ask that they remain at home until they have been fever-free for 48 hours without medication. Any student who has gastric symptoms (vomiting or diarrhoea) must also be kept home until they havebeen symptom-free for 48 hours. This reduces the risks of these infections being passed to others. There are also specific exclusion times set out by the Health Bureau for other common infective childhood illnesses, and the Clinic will monitor that these are followed. When a common infective childhood illness occurs during term time, we send out letters to the specific year groups affected reminding parents to be vigilant. Additional deep cleaning of the school environment will also be organized.
During the admission process to the school, all parents complete the Medical Health Record and Immunisation form for their child. This gives us essential information on your child’s health needs to ensure they can be met. This form also provides informa- tion on who the Clinic may call if your child becomes unwell in school. We ask that should your child’s health status, or your emergency contact details change you contact the Clinic.
If a student becomes unwell during the school day or sustains an injury, teachers bring students into the Clinic. Clinic staff will carry out any necessary first aid and then parents will be contacted if the child requires further medical attention from a doctor or hospital. Even if your child is well enough to return to class, they will receive a note to bring home or an email informing you of the reason they visited. In the case The Medical Center stocks basic over the counter (OTC) medicines and parents will have received consent forms for the administration of basic medication as part of the paperwork given when your child first joined the school. If your child has been ill and requires regular medication during the school days, we ask that parents provide a doctor’s prescription along with the medication in the original container with the instructions clearly visible. A parental agreement form must be completed. These can be found on the school website, or alternatively the Medical centre can provide parents with one.
If a student is injured or ill and will not be able to attend swimming or PE classes, it is essen- tial that a doctor’s note is brought in to explain the reason. Gallus Academy has a very strict swimming policy and verbal communication will not be sufficient.
Families are welcome to meet with the clinic staff for any specific health needs that you as a family would like to bring to the attention of the school or nursing staff.
Please contact your child’s class teacher/tutor if you have any concerns, or would like to update them with new information.
Keeping our pupils safe and healthy is paramount. We have robust policies and procedures for both Health & Safety and the Clinic. Our children are active and engaged learners, and at times an injury or accident may occur. In order to reduce the risk of injury, we conduct regular H&S checks of the campus and update our risk assessments as needed. We also have clear accident protocols that we follow when there is a serious injury. The school has a Crisis Management policy which includes our fire and lock down procedures. If an injury occurs on campus, we will conduct a thorough investigation and clearly communicate with parents. Please note that the school has CCTV cameras in various locations around the campus, howev- er, these are for internal use only.
The boarding provision is designed so that the students under our care make the most efficient use of their time and maximise the advantages and opportunities available to them at NLCS Jeju. We have amazing facilities available at our school and these are used regularly by the boarding students outside of school hours; the indoor and outdoor sports facilities, Swimming Pool, Art Rooms, Music Rooms, and Drama performance spaces. These are all available and can be booked by Boarding Home staff so that supervised activities can take place, especially over the weekend. In addition, the Boarding Homes oen take trips so that borders can experience the delights that Jeju Island has to offer. Across all the homes, there are always frequent trips and boarders can enjoy beach trips or Olle Trail walks, museums or cafes.
Arriving & Leaving Campus
There is a strict signing in and out procedure for students. When entering or leaving the Boarding Home, students must sign-in and out using the home system, such as magnet board, so the students occupying the Boarding Home at any one time can be quickly and easily ascertained. Boarding students are only allowed off-site at particular times and permission must always be sought from the BM or ABM on duty. Junior boarders are not allowed off-site without an accompanying authorised adult.
Arriving to Begin a Term
It is important to be aware that the timing to return to the Boarding Houses are published in advance so that it can be ensured the houses are appropriately staffed and rooms are ready to be occupied. Boarders are usually expected to return to NLCS Jeju between 15:00 and 18:00; however, these timings are confirmed by letter to all boarding parents by the Assistant Vice-Principal (Boarding) in advance of the holiday. NLCS Jeju will provide school coaches for boarding students when they arrive at Jeju Airport between the hours of 14:00 - 17:00. Coaches will not be available outside of these times so if your childʼs flight arrives earlier than 13:30 and later than 16:30, they will need to make their own way to school. All students need to go to area B1 in the car park where coaches will leave approximately every 30 minutes. They will be registered when they board the coach and once the student has been registered, the schoolʼs duty of care will begin.
If parents wish to request additional assistance for their child, (available to students in Years 7 - 8 and 12 years old or below only) then there is the possibility of arranging an unaccompanied minor (UM) service with the airline. This must be arranged in advance with the Senior School Office and a letter from the Assistant Vice-Principal (Boarding) is sent well in advance with further clarification.
Departing to End a Term
Students should submit travel details to their BM in advance and supervised school coaches are provided for transport to the airport. These buses leave NLCS Jeju at 16:00 (at the latest) so parents are requested not to book flights prior to 17:30. It is important to note that the schoolʼs duty of care finishes upon arrival at Jeju airport unless a pre-confirmed UM student.
Those boarders not taking a school bus to the airport should ensure that parents confirm their travel plans in writing with the relevant BM. Student names will be added to a list and passed to the member of staff escorting the bus. In this case, students do not need to sign out at the gate. Parents collecting their children should usually do so from the Boarding Home to ensure that an effective handover of care and control has occurred.
Exeats and Scheduled Exeats
The weekend schedule is important for boarding students as it helps to ensure integration and avoid social isolation. In short, it is very difficult to be friends with someone who is not here and so we value our boarders taking part in the weekend activities. That being said, having time to visit family throughout a long term is an important part of healthy life so we have introduced “Scheduled Exeats” to be held at certain points across the academic year. At Gallus Academy, an exeat is a short amount of time that a boarder can spend with their parents, family, or a guardian which is normally over a weekend. There is a transfer of care and control during that time, and the boarders become the responsibility of the person taking them out on exeat, rather than being under school control.
In an ideal situation, parents would only take their children out during the weekends designated as scheduled exeats; however, we understand that certain important family events may fall outside of these times (weddings, birthdays, graduations, etc). Under these circumstances, students may leave the school site after 12:30 and they are required to return before supper on Sunday at 16:30. Requests must be submitted by parents at least three days in advance, using the electronic form on the Parent Portal, and BMs will grant permission assuming the student has honoured all commitments and that parents will take full responsibility for their child whilst off-site.
For the academic year 2025, there are three scheduled exeat weekends and details of these can be found in the School Calendar published to parents.
Parental Visits
All such requests are referred to the relevant BM and granted or denied based on the perceived benefit to the studentʼs educational or personal experience. If there is any doubt then BMs will discuss this with the relevant Assistant Vice Principal. Students leaving the school site under such circumstances will need a Leaving Site Permission Slip issued by their BM and this will need to be checked by security at the gate.
At Gallus we understand the importance of healthy eating. Our food policy and standards are strictly followed to ensure that the food provided to our pupils is nutritious and of high quality; promotes good nutritional health in all pupils; protects those who are nutritionally vulnerable and promotes good eating behaviour.
The School Governors and Head Mistress are responsible for the quality provision of School food. The Head of Operations and the Food Committee support the Head Mistress to ensure our aims are met and the standard of food provision is of the high quality expected of a Gallus Academies.
The school serves lunches for all students. The lunches are balanced and low in processed carbohydrates and fat. There is a fair choice of fusion and vegetarian options together with soup, salads and a dessert. Details of the current menu can be found on the website. Lunch- es are charged at a set rate by our catering company, Gobel. You can add funds to your child’s lunch card for payment of these.
At Gallus Academies, we aim to provide good food and an attractive environment in which to enjoy this food, thereby promoting positive social interaction within the School.
Our food is flavourful, fresh, seasonal and we use quality ingredients.
Our pupils enjoy food that is prepared and served by a trained chief and kitchen staff.
Students may bring additional snacks, but these should be healthy; no sugary, drinks, sweets, cabes, crisps or chocolate.
Our pupils are always at the centre of food discussions, with a clear focus on the health benefits of different food, the pupils’ academic success, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and our pupils’ enjoyment of the food provided by the School.
At Gallus we aim to ensure top quality catering provision which is measured through robust procedures and quality assurance by the Food Committee and third-party inspections.
Our Food policy and procedures are based on a Whole School approach and the Dining Rooms are an integral part of the School.
Children sit together at the same time as other children in the same phase and share the same meal. Staff sit and eat with the children and they also share the same meal.
The menu, which is healthy and nutritionally balanced, is decided and occasionally changed by the Food Committee, and overseen by the SLT.
We cater for children and staff with special dietary needs including vege- tarians and children with allergies.
We work with our families to support the pupils’ healthy lifestyles. Children can be fussy at times, but we are committed to working with the family so that the child can enjoy a wider range of foods.